Friday, July 22, 2011


Frequently Asked Questions answered by Leah Remini…


Q. If a miracle happened and CBS decided to bring the show back, would you?
A. In a New York minute! I would even take a pay cut!

Q. Do you stay in touch with Kevin?
A. Of course I stay in touch with Kevin. I love Kevin and always will. He still makes me laugh! I do miss him very much. What he should do is put me in one of his 5000 movies he has coming up so I can see him more! :)

Q. Do you stay in touch with the rest of the cast?
A. Victor & Jerry live on the East Coast. But, I see Gary Valentine & Nicole Sullivan around town.

Q. What was your favorite episode?
A. For sentimental reasons, I would have to say the first and last show. But, there was something about every episode that made me laugh. I do remember early on, there was a show called “Cello, Goodbye” where Doug and Carrie were fighting at a concert in silence. At the time, I thought it was so stupid… but cried from laughter when I saw it.   My mom went to every show and she was there that night and she was crying from laughter while it was being filmed and I remember asking her “Really Mom? Is it that funny?” Anyway, there is probably a moment I can say something about within every show we taped. There was a show where Doug makes the Doug and Carrie song, one where he attempted to take me to a place he thought he had taken me before, but it was another girl, Pole Dancing. We did 9 years and 207 shows, too many to mention.

Q. Were there any particular episodes of KoQ that reflect how your personal life was at times?
A. There were many shows that reflected what was going on at home. That is why the KofQ’s was so special. It was about family and interpersonal relationships in general.

Q. I am sure you and Kevin were nervous getting started on KOQ and probably wondering how the show was going to do in the ratings. Was there a particular episode you filmed early in KOQ’s where you went home that night and said “We are going be a hit".
A. No actually~ we never felt that we were a bonafide hit…. Until the final season did we really sit back and say “Wow, we made it this long”. As a matter of fact it wasn’t until this year that I have seen how much people really loved our show. Almost daily does someone come up to me and says “I really miss you guys or “I am Carrie and my husband is Doug”…. It has taken this long for me to see how very special this show was and still is.                                              

Q. Were there any storylines or angles that now as you look back, you wish KOQ's would have done?
A. I wish we would have kept going. Truly; I would have loved to have seen Doug as a daddy and Jerry as a grandfather.

Q. Why was it taken off the air when so many people still love the show
A. Simply put, I think after 9 years, people felt we needed to move on while people still loved the show as opposed to no one watching and leaving on a low note.

Q. How was it having your spouse, Angelo, appear on King of Queens? 
A. We loved having Angelo around. Between him and Jerry they were the only two who knew their lines and were professional.

Q. What was it like doing the episode POLE LOX?  Did you have a lot of fun rehearsing and filming it?  It seemed like Kevin really practiced a lot to master the pole.
A. Well, here is what you didn’t know about Pole Lox… the “Pole Teacher” showed up for me and Kev to warm up. I of course was like “Babe, I don’t think I need to warm up, I can work a pole”…. So, when it came time for me to rehearse the Pole scene, I pulled on the pole and wouldn’t ya know it, I PULLED MY NECK OUT!!!!! So, with my tail between my legs, I begged her to warm me up properly… but it was really hard! Now, Kevin didn’t rehearse it all and I was like “Kev, you need to go upside down, don’t you want to warm up and let her teach you”? He said no that he would do it on tape day in front of the audience…. No one knew what he was going to do. So, what you saw on the TV was Kevin doing that for the first time and he was HILARIOUS!!!!! I laughed so hard I cried. I ruined a few takes and then I started to just turn my head. But let me tell you that pole ‘aint easy! :)

Q. Wondering if a lot of the storylines were based on your life & Kevin’s?
A. All the shows were based on the writers’ lives or our own experiences or just thought of by the writers. They were all married and/ or with kids. So they knew these characters well.

Q. Regarding the finale, was the baby we saw a boy or a girl? 
A. Do you know I don’t even know??? !!! I want to say a boy. Not sure.

Q.What do you want to say to your die-hard KofQ’s Fans
A. I want to thank you for loving us in the way that you do. You continue to watch the show in syndication as well as buy the DVD’s. I know this because I get tweeted about it ALL the time! :) But, it means the world to me that the show still stands with no gimmicks. It shows that people still love a simple comedy about family. We all love you guys. You have been the best fans ever. So to you all you Doug & Carries out there… KISSES!!!

Q. Is there a KofQ’s movie coming or a reunion?
A. I would love one or both! This is up to CBS and Sony. Push them! :)


Q. Would you like to do dramatic roles in the future?
A. I would. But I would rather be in a Comedy. There are certain actors I would love to act with. 

Q. Have you ever thought about doing stand-up?
A. I thought about it. I would consider it if I had great writers!

Q. You've worked on a few sitcoms. Which was your favorite to work on?
A. My favorite has to be The King of Queens. I had so many failed shows before the KofQ’s and this show was a hit because people understood it and could relate.  When people come up to me and say, “Your show got me through rough times because you guys made me laugh”, it really shows me how far laughter can go…. I also had so many monumental events happen during this show.  It was my first real success in TV as far as a series goes, I got married, I had my first baby (as well as a lot of our crew) Kevin had his first baby, I bought my first house and in general just a lot of laughing and fun times through the nine years with Kevin, the cast and the crew.


Q. How do you balance it all being a working mom?
A. I don’t know that I do balance it all to be honest. But, I can tell you this, I am blessed to have Daddy, sisters, Grandma  & Grandpa and help around. I try and put importance on certain things and let other things go. I try and give our family quality time and plan things that create memories for our daughter. On Sunday we went to see a movie and the movie theater had a restaurant, my husband and I hid our phones and just talked & laughed and ate. Our daughter says “This was the best lunch ever with my parents”. She reminds us that just having a meal and being interested in each other goes a long way.

Q. How old is your daughter now?
A. She is 7 going on who knows?! Today, we passed a jogger wearing short shorts and a bra (basically) and she says “That is inappropriate, right Mommy?”

Q. What is she into now?
A. She loves anything Disney and Disney Channel.  As well as loves Justin Beiber, obsessed with the Twilight movies. She loves doing Hair & Makeup and asks to do something on me every day. She loves Art & Music.

Q. Does she have an IPod? And if yes, what is on it?
A. Yes, she has one. She is very musical. When she was a baby, we had to put on Neil Diamonds’ “America” to get her to sleep, it would take like 45 mins to get her down for a nap in the afternoon, so it was on a loop (smiles). I really wanted her to love all kinds of music so early on; I introduced her to Donna Summers’ music, ABBA, Laura Branigan and Pat Benatar.  Now, she likes Taylor Swift, Pink, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, etc.  She is very picky, like with Jennifer’s’ CD’s, she will say “I need to hear tracks 1, 4 and 7”. She loves Music & Dance. With Jennifer, she will sit there for 8 hours watching Jen rehearse for a tour or concert. She just loves it! She also loves Musicals. Any Musical but for a while there, she was only listening to Wicked.

Q. Does she get who Jennifer Lopez is?
A. Not really. She knows her as “Jen, Jen”. Don’t know why. She always seems baffled when she sees her on stage.

Q. Do you and Jennifer have similar parenting skills?
A. She is a much stronger than I am. If she says no to Max & Emme about another cookie, she means it. Whereas me, I might give in.

Q. Has being a Mom changed you?
A.I was always career driven. I am now driven in a different way. Things I did years ago, is not something I would do again. For example, when I am signing my Fan Mail and the “Stuff” magazine comes across the desk, I look to see if my daughter is around, not because  I am ashamed of it, I just don’t want my daughter to see me that way. She will then ask “Why do you look like that?” It is not the message I want to send my daughter. At the time, I did that cover because of peer pressure, I was told I needed to change my image from a “Housewife” to a “Hottie” and I fell for it. I didn’t do it for the right reasons, (what those may be I don’t know) but, I wouldn’t do it again. I would say “well, shoot me looking hot in some sweats”. I want to teach my daughter that you don’t have to take your clothes off to feel good about yourself. The same goes for anything, you have to be you! I have NEVER tried any drug because my mother told me over and over “Do not do what your friends do”. There is a saying that goes like this “Show me your friends and I will show you your future”. That really stayed with me.

Q. If your daughter wanted to get in to acting would you and your husband be ok with it?
A. Maybe after college. I don’t think this is a business for children with a thin skin. I don’t know that it’s for adults either!  You have to take rejection more often then you are told yes. Then when you get some success and make some money, you lose boundaries. You get things for free, you have people working for you, people lying to you when they should be telling you the truth, you have a lot of “Yes Men” around you, you have people doing and pushing drugs around you…. It is not for most kids. They all don’t make it out ok. I think it is hard for a parent to parent when they are their kids’ managers or now the child is the bread winner. The parent has to keep the reigns even tighter.

Q. Does your daughter like seeing you on TV?
A. Yes and No. She likes the attention as well, so if someone comes up to me somewhere and asks to take a picture with me, she will say “Why didn’t they ask me to be in it?”  But, the other day she came to a taping of The Talk and she pulled me to her close and whispered in my ear, “I am so proud of you Mommy”. It made me cry. When we did The King of Queens, she was just a baby and she would cry if I left her and rehearsed. So, I had to carry her around in rehearsal with me.

Q. What's your favorite part of being a Mom and what characteristics does Sofia have
That reminds you of yourself?
A. The best part about being a mom is the unconditional love you get from your child.  Life just seems better when you wake up to “I love you mommy, want to know how much”? Followed by outstretched arms! She is funny and warm and can be really nasty at times. Just like her Mommy! (Smiles)

Q. What is the most difficult thing about being a Mother?
A. Feeling like I am failing her in some way. Wishing I had all the RIGHT answers. Wanting to protect her always…

Q. You have three stepsons. Do you see them often?
A. Yes we do. They are all handsome men now. I love them all and they are a very important part of our lives. They are all productive young men, sweet, funny, loads of personality… Sofia loves having 3 big brothers.

Q. If there was one piece of advice you could offer to give to a new Mom, what would it be?
A. Follow your heart when it comes to advice about your baby. You will be bombarded with information from the Pro’s, Family & Friends. Do your research, look for the Pros and Cons on everything you have a question about and then do what you think is right.
 Don’t do it all yourself, sometimes I would ask my husband to give me a minute and I would take a 20 minute nap, take a minute for yourself where you can. Don’t try and do it all. When the baby sleeps, you sleep. I used to take that time to answer emails and do all the things I couldn’t do when she was up. But, I realized no one gives you a medal for this. Don’t obsess about the laundry, the house, making calls that are not important... Use this time to catch up with you. I could go on and on  with this question because there is so much I want to say; But hang in there, these early years although seem so slow, will speed up and you will look back and miss them as little nuggets. 

Q. If you could reach a lot of people who are down and struggling and give them some overall advice, what would that be?
A. Wow… Ok, I would say this; There are many reasons you can give yourself to fail, be it your upbringing, Bullying, Economic status, feeling hopeless about ANY situation, but if I were your friend, I would say to you that you can either use that to give yourself the kick in the ass that you need to CHANGE  to make your life or situation better or you can use that to fail. Some are hopeless victims, they don’t want to actually do the work, they would rather complain and use it as a crutch to fail, and I can’t speak to those people. There are people in the world who have suffered MAJOR losses, have major disabilities and they still fight. So, when you are feeling down, look around the world and see that there is someone who has it worse than you and DO something for yourself.

Get off the computer and use your time to make your life better. Only you know how much time you waste on FB, Blogs, Porn, Gossip Sites, Gossiping and Twitter… I am not saying never do it,(well, maybe the Porn Sites I’d say not to ever go to)  but if you are sitting there saying you have no time, look at what you are wasting your time doing rather than spending time on  something that can help you and contribute to your life for the better. I also say, if you are so obsessed with your computer, there are resources to help you, whatever it may be. But why not use that time to find resources to get yourself out of the rut you are in? I am not an authority, but I think I am! (smiles) This is what I would say if I were your friend and you were sitting in my kitchen.


Q. What is in your CD player/iPod these days? Any current favorite artists?
A. I really like Freestyle- the Cover Girls, Seduction, Shannon, (this is from my Brooklyn days)…. I have a variety in my IPOD. I have Old School rap, Latin- Frankie Ruiz. Marc Anthony, Celia Cruz, Love Old School Gospel, 40’s, 50’s, Frank Sinatra, Bing, I loved songs like Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leopard, loved Hair Bands, also, Beyonce, Jennifer, Pink, Gwen Stefani, Christina, etc.  all the way through to Barry Manilow, Heavy Metal, Old Rock and Roll bands like the Cowboy Junkies…I’m all over the place with music. I love music.  I usually go to “What’s Hot” and then buy new songs that way. I love that Bruno Mars…

Q. What or who has given you inspiration in your career?
A. Lucille Ball, Carole Burnett……they made me laugh out loud as a child.  I would often do skits from their shows because I wanted to create that effect on others that they had created in me as child. I grew up watching Saturday Night Live with Gilda Radner, she was big one for me.
What gave me inspiration?  I wanted to live a better life and wanted more for my Mom and more for my family.…. I wanted to do it with something I loved and that is what gave me the motivation to pursue my career. My Mom and step dad growing up were very supportive of what I wanted to do and never made me think it was unattainable.  I never thought I couldn’t do it! I also saw that I can make people laugh. There is something about making someone feel something that moves you.

Q. What are some of your hobbies?
A. I don’t have hobbies; I have a seven year old... So, basically its being a princess with my daughter and playing dress up, letting her destroy my makeup and put makeup on me, putting on the outfits she makes me wear, coloring, Art and the Disney Channel. But I love a little Scrapbooking, not gon’ lie!

Q. Do you have your own charity?
A. For many years I thought I needed my own charity. But because my heart is truly in a few different fields, I chose to support certain charities rather than have just one of my own. My main focus is on children, schools, our military and animals. On my web site you will see a variety of charities so that people, who are looking to help, can pick where their interests lie.

 Q. What are your favorite places to shop?
A. I can go from Target, H & M, The Gap to fancy. But, I don’t usually go fancy. I like little stores for chic & different.

Q. Who are your favorite entertainers? Actors, singers, etc...
A. Meryl Streep, Brando, Robert Duvall, De Niro, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Christopher Guest, William H. Macey, Emma Thompson, Katherine O’Hara,.. I like a lot of things about a lot of actors, but it is usually moments in their work that catch me…

Q. What is your favorite Movie or Movies?
A.I like a lot of movies for a lot of different reasons; I love movies that were made in the 70’s & 80’s, like Terms Of Endearment, Steel Magnolias, Heartburn, Midnight Run, Officer & A Gentleman, On The Waterfront, Godfathers,  Goodfellas, Untouchables,  Norma Ray, Defending Your Life… girl movies like Pretty Woman, Sleepless In Seattle, Sense & Sensibility, Truly, Madly Deeply. Loved all the Harrison Ford Movies like Clear & Present Danger, Usual Suspects, Beetlejuice, This Is Spinal Tap, Best & Show, Fargo, The Abyss, Moulin Rouge, Now, I know I have yet to name a recent movie, but I REALLY loved these movies.

Q. What shows do you watch?
A. I watch a lot of Disney Shows with Sofia. But, when I have a moment to watch my Tivo’d shows; Real Housewives of… I don’t so much watch the ‘Watch What Happens Reunion’ shows because I think Andy needs to bust them a little more when they are lying about what happened in the season, The First 48, I Survived (this show is amazing), Flipping Out, Say Yes To The Dress….. I watch a lot of Reality shows. BUT, I have to say the scripted show I am addicted to and I don’t like many shows, is TRUE BLOOD! I am shocked at how much I like this show. I did a marathon to catch up on this show and I do that weird thing where I talk to the TV and scream at it!

Q. Do you have a favorite exercise?
A. I am not a fan of any exercise.  I do it because I have to! I don’t like to run on the treadmill, but I have to do it. Let me say this, I like the results of working out not the actual working out part. I do my Cardio on my own and work out with Gunnar Peterson, who puts up with me once a week.  I think he might be trying to quit even doing that! I complain most of the hour he is with me! I do the cardio on my own because I am FORCED to! LOL.

Q. Any plans to visit NY again soon?
A. I love going to NY… I love the people, the food and the energy.  

Q. What's your favorite color?
A. Such an odd question. I feel 5… ok, in my home, it’s Gray, Black & White. I don’t hate any color or have ONE color that I pick out and say “I hate you Purple… Damn you Purple Color” I for some reason love Pink. That’s why I love that Victoria Secret line, because I do “Love Pink”. I hope I get some free stuff now that I mentioned them. LOL. Probably not.

Q. Are you able to go to normal places, i.e.: grocery store restaurant, etc...Without being asked for autographs?
A. I have no issue with people coming up to me and asking for an autograph. It's when and how. It makes me feel good to see someone so excited just to meet me. In my head, I am just Leah, so when people are staring at me, I assume they want to fight or I have something unbuttoned – it’s never “Oh, they must know me from TV”, that is something my family and friends have to remind me of.

Q. What's your ringtone?
A. I don’t have one.  I have my phone on vibrate. I hate apologizing for my phone ringing. So, I just turned the ringer off.

Q. Have you ever been to (Insert your country, city or state here)?
A. The answer is: probably not. It would be easier for me to just tell you where I have been….Rome, England, Mexico, Dominican Republic.  Do I have any plans to go anywhere?  Probably not. I hate to fly.

Q. What is your idea of ‘the perfect day’? Would it be at a spa or with friends, family, what?
A. Having nowhere to be, no plans and let the day take me where it will. It would include my family & friends.

Q. Do you have a Twitter or a Facebook page?
A. Yes, I do. You can access those by clicking on the links I have on the homepage of my website: 

Q. You actually don’t do Twitter right like your friend Chelsea Handler pointed out to you; what made you decide to answer all of your tweets
A. It is really hard for me to not answer someone. If you say something nasty sometimes I feel compelled to teach you something, BUT mostly I have great comments and suggestions. I love GOOD and DECENT people. I think my fan base comes from the KofQ’s. I just want to feel that connection to people. The Talk is a show I thought was about what people wanted to see, so I like to know that we are on the right track.
I also see how just giving someone a positive tweet back can mean so much. And I love to help people. My friends know this about me. If I can do a show where I drive around America just asking people “So, what can I do here to help”, I would LOVE that!

I think there is a small majority that crosses the line where they ask me for money or for me to do something on the show that I feel goes too far. I have a job, a family, friends and charities I support. I think people forget that. One of my pet peeves is when people ask me questions that they could get the information themselves or questions that they can simply Google. It shows laziness that I don’t admire.